Is the Church of the Lutheran Brethren affiliated with another Lutheran denomination? The CLB is an independent body of believers that adheres to Lutheran theology. We were established in 1900, and Bethany LB Church in Colfax was one of the five original congregations that were founded. You can read about the history of the CLB if you'd like more info.
Does the Lutheran Brethren have its own seminary? Yes! Our accredited seminary is located in Fergus Falls, MN. The faculty and administration are dedicated to training men and women to serve God and His people according to His Word.
Is there a Lutheran Brethren congregation near me? There are currently about 110 CLB congregations in the USA and Canada. To see if there's one near you, check our locations.
How does the Lutheran Brethren view The Lord's Supper? Go here
What is the Lutheran Brethren's position on divorce and re-marriage? Read our Position Papers regarding this and other subjects.
Does the Lutheran Brethren have its own Bible Camp? Yes! God has crafted an amazing staff and facility… placed them in Clitherall, MN… and called it Inspiration Point. Year-round camp and retreat opportunities are offered for individuals, couples, and families. You've got to get to The Point!
How can I learn more about the Bethany Lutheran Brethren Church specifically? Read our Constitution to learn more.
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